4D: Andalucía as a flag

Our unique way of life symbolized in a flag. This is a campaign that calls for rediscovering an Andalucía free from ideologies, united through a common emblem—the flag—and the values it represents.

It is a way to show the world that we respect our history and remember how on December 4, 1977, the Andalusian people rose with one voice to claim their identity. The “Andalucía por bandera” campaign is a call to display our unique way of seeing and living life. It is an appeal to all Andalusians, those who live here and those who are away, to all who share their roots with our land, and to all who, in some way, feel Andalusian. Raise the flag, hang it on your balcony. Let it be seen through your window or set it as your profile picture on social media. Dress and flood the streets in white and green. Feel the pride of being who we are, wherever you are.


Javier Martínez
Marta Morera

Junta de Andalucía

In collaboration with
Grupo ADM


+44 7530 425037

+34 676 78 38 63